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Hi, Joe
In masterpage layout.Master uses a control <mp:AddThisButton ...>, And in AddThisButton.cs , the function "SetupScripts" has below code:
private void SetupWidget() {
mouseOverAttribute.Append("return addthis_open(this, '',");
...... this.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", mouseOverAttribute.ToString());
private void SetupScripts() {
if(useMouseOverWidget) Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( typeof(AddThisButton), "addthisbuttonsetup", "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + protocol + "://" + "\" ></script>");
we use "" , it has "addthis_open" javascript function,
AddThisButton's onmouseover event use this javascript function.
Problem is:
When the page is not load complete, and we mouseover the AddThisButton will lead to javascript error,
because the addthis_open javascript function is not exist yet.
When I go to, when the page not load complete, I move mouse on the top-right corner where has a AddThisButton ,
IE will error.
This is only a small problem, would you fix it?
Thanks for letting me know. I was not able to produce the symptom, but I put in a try catch in the javscript to prevent the error. I've updated this site with it and its in svn trunk. Please let me know if that solved it.
Hi, Joe.
I close the ie, then open ie, then go-to, if before the page load complete, I move mouse circle over the BOOKMARK(AddThisButton)'s place, ie still alert error window.
So problem still exist, But few people will move mouse over the BOOKMARK just before the page load complete, so it's not a big problem.
You can' see the problem, maybe has three reasons:
1. You network speed is too fast, IE load the page immediately.
2. Before the page load complete, your mouse moves not just over the bookmark(AddThisButton)'s place .
3. you disabled the javascript debug in IE->internet option->advance->disable script debug(internet explorer), so the alter error window can't show, but there should still has a warning icon on IE's left-bottom.
Because visual studio 2008's debug environment loads the page slowly, maybe you can use it to repeat the problem.
Your method is effective, but not enough.
you only fix onmouseover, not fix onmouseout, so the problem is still exist.
so, change
this.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "addthis_close()");
this.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "try {return addthis_close();}catch(ex){};");
} /////////////////////////////////
Problem disappear.
And I think
mouseOverAttribute.Append(")}catch(ex){}; ");
change to
mouseOverAttribute.Append("); }catch(ex){}; ");
is better(only more a ';').
I added the other try catch as you indicated. Does it solve the problem on your machine? I have not updated this site yet so you may still see the symptom here.
Yes, It's ok now about AddthisButton.
But except AddThisButton problem, has another similar problem:
IE show errors:
msAnalytics is undefined:
when view the html source code, below code msAnalytics is not defined.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> msAnalytics.ProfileId = 'C62F'; msAnalytics.CookieDomain = ''; msAnalytics.EnableLinkTracking(); msAnalytics.TrackPage(); </script>
You can see this problem by yourself with ie when uncheck the checkbox in tool->internet option->advanced-> disable script debug(internet explorer) and uncheck the checkbox disable script debug(other).
Then goto, when load complete, the error occurs (need not move mouse as AddThisButton).
I uncheck both those items but still no error occurs for me.
Maybe you use IE7, But I use Ie6. Maybe Ie6 has bug, can't find a defined msAnalytics in below code.
<script type="text/javascript"> var mgJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://"); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + mgJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> msAnalytics.ProfileId = 'C62F'; msAnalytics.CookieDomain = ''; msAnalytics.EnableLinkTracking(); msAnalytics.TrackPage(); </script>
It's only a tiny problem.
When I get a chance I'll boot up a VM I have with IE 6 and take a look. IE 6 is really a pain from a css point of view. I really wish everyone would upgrade, but I know some companies can't because they have apps that don't work right in IE7.
You need not use VM to get the error, you can use firefox get the error too, method is :
Open Otion->error console (crtl+shift+j), then go to, then it will show the below errors and warnings:
error: msAnalytics is not defined source: line:290
error: addthis_close is not defined source: line:1
warning: 分析属性 'filter' 值时出错。 声明被丢弃。 源文件: 行:13
warning: 分析属性 'filter' 值时出错。 声明被丢弃。 源文件: line:154
warning: 分析属性 'filter' 值时出错。 声明被丢弃。 源文件: 行:160
and many similar warnings
I don't like ie7, it is so ugly, and has no menu bar, i usually use firefox, above information is provided by Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 5's Option->error console(ctrl+shift+j), Other Firefox shoud be the same.
IE has a featureis it tolerates and hides many errors in html code.
Today, when I go to, almost all errors are not exist yet, it's so good.
But still a little javascript bug, but it is in msAnalytics.js,
Under the html code, has this script:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> msAnalytics.ProfileId = 'C62F'; msAnalytics.CookieDomain = ''; msAnalytics.EnableLinkTracking(); // I did't know the function of this, but this code will lead a small bug in msAnalytics.js . msAnalytics.TrackPage(); </script>
In msAnalytics.js, there are below code:
;MicrosoftAnalytics.prototype.OnTrackLink=function(evt) {
.............. var loggingObject=srcElement.LoggingObject;var urlPath=srcElement.pathname;var dotIndex=urlPath.lastIndexOf(".");var foundMatch=false;
Because all the AspNet-Menu elements like Home, Blog,Download,Online Demos, Documentation,........ all has no pathname attrubute,
So when click these element the ie will show "undifined urlPath" error.
But this is no effect, because almost most user will not see this error.
I still was never able to reproduce the error using any browser, IE 6, IE7, FF.
I did add a try catch around the ms analytics code so maybe that will fix it for you.