Publishing on Mono.

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4/16/2008 10:53:28 AM
Total Posts 92

Publishing on Mono.

So far everthing seems to be working great on mysql and mono except for a minor little problem with publishing.

On the 'Administration Menu > Content Manager > Publishing for Map' screen when you click the + sign it doesn't show the options like in the documentation video.  Instead it goes to a blank screen with the same 'Administration Menu > Content Manager > Publishing for Map' header with the only content being a Delete button.

The logs aren't showing any errors either.

For the moment I'm just generating the content on every page.

Has anyone else experienced this problem on mono?

6/24/2009 8:27:14 AM
Total Posts 10

Re: Publishing on Mono.

Yes, I encounter the same problem on Centos 5.2 using mono 2.4 compiled from source.  It used to work on mono 1.9 with earlier versions of mojoportal.

6/25/2009 9:30:50 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: Publishing on Mono.

Just wondering whether there had been some changes in the mojoGridView or somewhere in the ContentManager.aspx such that it is broken now.

6/28/2009 11:13:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Publishing on Mono.

fyi, I tested this today with the latest Mono built from svn and the bug does exist in the ContentManager.aspx page. It seems to be a general GridView problem in Mono as the oproblem also happens in Admin > Core Data > Tax Class Administration, and other pages where we are using in place editing inside a GridView.

I filed a bug report

actually I filed 2 other bug reports as well



7/2/2009 8:41:31 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: Publishing on Mono.

Thanks, Joe, for the update on the status.

I was just wondering whether it is possible to re-work the Content Manager to work around this problem.  Instead of the present 2 stage process of clicking the + icon to activate the in place editing in the gridrow,  why not change and display the gridview with the two buttons for the Publish/Update button and the Unpublish/Remove button straightaway.  This way the user can do the publish/update in 1 step instead of 2 steps.

This is just a suggestion.  I am using mojoportal to maintain the web site of a non-profit organisation and this bug is really a "show stopper".  I have to resort to using SQL CLI to update the mp_PageModules table until a solution is available.

Thanks for the good work on mojoportal CMS.  It has been such a easy CMS to implement for the users until this bug pops up.

Best Regards

P S Tan

8/25/2009 11:06:45 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: Publishing on Mono.

Just updated mono from svn to r140592.  Content Publishing bug is resolved now.

11/16/2009 4:51:33 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Publishing on Mono.

Apache 2.2.14


MojoPortal Build from Monodevelop




Fist of all thanks you Joe for this powerfull CMS !

For many reasons (but good I hope) we have choosen mojoportal Apache/mono for our website.

And to use it, is so easy even if I have no develloper ability.

The subject of my post is to inform that I use a tips in production...

Our Website is running with the latest stable version of mono.

And concerning the problem of publishing content in a page, I use another apache/Mono version from SVN build installation (only for bypass this problem).

This alternate installation is connected on the production database. Then I use it for publishing online content.


Regard and Hope this help ;)

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