this is related to my previous post

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4/1/2008 4:55:41 AM
Total Posts 6

this is related to my previous post


This is related to my previous post

I was able to enable Upload tab.I edited >mojoportal > web>editor>fckeditor>



here are the changes i did

if (useConnector)
// this just blocks the quickupload not the main one
fckEditor.ImageUpload = true;
fckEditor.FlashUpload = true;
fckEditor.LinkUpload = true;

But when I click "Send it to Server" nothing happens.It is not uploaded to the server.where is the error

Is there any configurations to done

Hope your answer

thanks in advance


4/1/2008 6:05:45 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: this is related to my previous post


File uploads need to be controlled on the server and is not currently implemented for the quick upload. Part of the reason I haven't implemented the Quick Upload yet is because I'm investigating ways to make a custom image upload that can be used in all the editors. Also the quick upload doesn't give the user and choice about where the uploaded file is located.

You can upload images by clicking the browse server button which gives choices of where to upload the image.

Hope it helps,


ps when posting related to a previous post please don't start a new thread, just reply to the one you already posted.

4/1/2008 7:09:51 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: this is related to my previous post

Thanks Joe Audette

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