Contact-US page in Service Pallet

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5/29/2020 6:19:25 AM
Total Posts 1

Contact-US page in Service Pallet

How is the below page rendered?

Is it rendered from some tables in DB or a particular Page. I was not able to find the contact-us.aspx in the code as it uses URL rewriting. We need to implement Invisible Captcha for this page. Please guide us through the process.

5/29/2020 11:37:20 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Contact-US page in Service Pallet


That appears to be a custom feature developed for mojoPortal. Usually, with mojoPortal, features are added to pages (virtual mojoPortal pages) and the feature handles all of it's own rendering. Try this to figure out what feature is rendering this form:

  1. Login to the site
  2. Go to the page with the form
  3. You should see a "settings" link somewhere close to the top of this form
  4. A settings page will open, with a tabbed view of settings. The first tab will be something like "Acme Form Settings", where "Acme Form" is the name of the feature. Take note of this.
  5. Go to the administration menu, should an "Administration" link somewhere on the page.
  6. From the Administration Menu, select Advanced Tools and then Feature Installation and Configuration
  7. Scroll through the list of features until you find the feature name you noted in step 4 above. Click the gear icon to the left of feature's name.
  8. The path and name of the file that controls the form in question will be in the "Control Source" field. Take note of this.
  9. Use the path and file name from step 8 to locate the file on the server. 

These steps will get you to the entry point for the feature. If the code for the feature has been compiled, you will need to locate source code before you can make any substantial changes.

I hope this helps,

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