Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.
If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.
When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:
You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.
Can you please give us a update on the next release date?
Many Thanks
Todays Date: 4 / 5 / 2019
The final 2.8 beta is being tested currently and I do not think it will be much longer till it is released.
Waiting to use it! :-)
Thanks for the great job!
Any news about the progress for new update please?
Any News? Updates? Please.