HtmlModule does not support AuthorizedEditRoles

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3/24/2008 8:34:52 PM
Total Posts 5

HtmlModule does not support AuthorizedEditRoles


There is a bug in the HtmlModule ; if you give a role the right to edit a specific instance of the module but the role does not have the right to edit the page that the instance is on , the gears are there but when you hit them, you get an access refused message.

When I look at the code, it is pretty obvious why it doesn't work ; the module (HtmlEdit.aspx.cs->Page_Load) calls the method mojobasepage->UserCanEditModule and that method does not validate against module.AuthorizedEditRoles.

Other modules are using SiteModuleControl.IsEditable() or WebUser.HasEditPermissions() and these are validating against module.AuthorizedEditRoles.
Should I fix mojobasepage->UserCanEditModule or modify HtmlEdit.aspx.cs->Page_Load to rely on one of the other method (which one is better) ?



3/25/2008 7:23:54 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HtmlModule does not support AuthorizedEditRoles

Hi Jean-Michel,

I see you are right, it is honoring page edit roles but not the module specific ones. The method in the base page is the preferred and newer method so lets fix it.

I've updated mine as follows:

public bool UserCanEditModule(int moduleId)
if(!Request.IsAuthenticated)return false;

if (WebUser.IsAdminOrContentAdmin) return true;

if (CurrentPage == null) return false;

bool moduleFoundOnPage = false;
foreach (Module m in CurrentPage.Modules)
if (m.ModuleId == moduleId) moduleFoundOnPage = true;

if (!moduleFoundOnPage) return false;

if (WebUser.IsInRoles(CurrentPage.EditRoles)) return true;

SiteUser currentUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser();
if (currentUser == null) return false;

foreach (Module m in CurrentPage.Modules)
if (m.ModuleId == moduleId)
if (m.EditUserId == currentUser.UserId) return true;
if (WebUser.IsInRoles(m.AuthorizedEditRoles)) return true;

return false;



The new code is just this line:

if (WebUser.IsInRoles(m.AuthorizedEditRoles)) return true;




3/25/2008 8:31:05 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: HtmlModule does not support AuthorizedEditRoles

Thanks for the quick answer.


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