SuperFlexi is the best thing since sliced bread.... I can think of all kinds of very useful little modules for this. Amazing really.
Question: I've been playing around with the accordion solution trying to set the default state to all closed. I personally think for most uses you'd want the default closed (FAQ, support questions, etc). The point of a list like this is to save space and let the user select the option they are interested in. Opening the first one by default defeats the purpose a little.
With the old accordion I used a trick like this in the skin (can't seem to modify for Flexi)
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ $('div.mojo-accordion-nh').accordion({active:false, collapsible:true, heightStyle: "content", autoHeight:false, fx:{opacity:'toggle',duration:'fast'}}); // ]]></script>
Any smart ideas before I spend too many hours tinkering?