Friendly URL for PDF file

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9/20/2018 12:05:12 PM
Total Posts 21

Friendly URL for PDF file

Is it possible to have a friendly url for a pdf file? I have a URL that looks like this: and I want it to look like this: I tried to use the URL manager to create this but it doesn't work.


9/20/2018 9:33:27 PM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Friendly URL for PDF file

Hi Julie,

You should be able to create a Friendly URL for this using the URL Manager.

  1. Go to Administration > Advanced Tools > URL Manager
  2. Fill out the fields in the form, indicated in this screenshot:
    1. use data/sites/1/media/subfolder/filename.pdf
    2. use filename (note, you cannot use .pdf unless you have IIS configured to handle all files, not just files)
  3. Click the "Add New Url Mapping" button next to the field marked '2' above.


9/27/2018 3:56:00 PM
Total Posts 21

Re: Friendly URL for PDF file

Thanks Joe! It worked!

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