Hi Mari,
You can make a child site a stand alone site by following these steps:
- Backup the site database and restore it as a separate database with a new name. On the new database, run this SQL (where the site you are isolating is ID 2):
UPDATE mp_Sites SET IsServerAdminSite = 0 WHERE SiteID = 1;
UPDATE mp_Sites SET IsServerAdminSite = 1 WHERE SiteID = 2;
- Create your new site in IIS, give it a temporary url binding.
- Copy all of the mojoPortal files from the original site. For the \data\sites\[n] folders, copy only the child site you are isolating but keep its site number. So, if the site you want to isolate is site number 2, leave it as 2 when you copy it.
- Edit the user.config in the new website files
- set the connection string to connect to the database you created earlier
- add
<add key="AllowDeletingChildSites" value="true" />
- Open to the new site in your browser. You should be directed to the site you wanted to isolate.
- You can login and delete the other sites.
I hope this helps,