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I am using Mojoportal 2.6 (with the new Super Flexi module & Features).
I must say, the Flexli elements are great, easy to use, easy to understand, easy to publish.
My Question: when I edit/publish an item using "Content Manager" the page breaks - only the error message page shows. (to escape the error, I open up a known page, then click administration, settings and in content management Iundo the "Content Manager" move/add/publish. Then save/update and the page comes back to life!
Can this be fixed?
Best Regards
When I first upgraded, I installer all 2.6 files over the older 2.5 and this made it unstable (for me).
However, I have now placed the new 2.6 files into a new, clean folder and all is good, stable and working a treat. Thank you Mojo Team.
We weren't able to replicate the issue you posted but we have made some adjustments to SuperFlexi since the 2.6 release. We will get these adjustments released next week.
Thanks, Joe