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I get this exception first time I am trying to login with the default account after unpacking the distro files.
[HttpException (0x80004005): Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
[ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: xxxxxxx Port: 51630 Referer: http://xxxxxxxxx/Secure/Login.aspx Path: /Default.aspx User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ViewState: 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...]
running on a VMware vm no clusters or farms
steps tried to fix
created a new machine key and added to web config
ran aspnet_regiis -ga "IIS APPPOOL\app-pool-name"
set the app pool LoadProfile to true
I would like to get mojoportal to work but so far no luck, please help.
Thank you
Gene Rez
mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!
Hi Gene,
This often happens when there is a long period of delay between the submission of a form and the page load. It could also be caused by lack of memory for the application. What version of Windows is mojoPortal running on?
Thanks, -Isaac
Thank you for a response any help is greatly appreciated.
I consistently and very quickly (31ms) get the exception any time I click "Sign In" button on /Secure/Login.aspx?returnurl=%2f. I have tried this on two different servers now, both running:
windows 2008R2
DotNet 4.6
SQL 2014
We have several mojoPortal servers running that same configuration and haven't run into this problem. I've added you to our Complimentary Support group, so you now have access to the form on this page:
If you're up for it, use that form to send us the necessary info to log in to your server so we can try to find the issue.
Found a workaround for this issue, looks like my problem is not with viewstate but with session, when I try to access the portal website from a different system i.e. not the one I am running the IIS on, I am able to login. I suspect it is not happy with the cookie domain. Thank you for your help. I will upload the logs to the support portal.
Gene R..