Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items

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8/23/2017 10:13:30 AM
Total Posts 9

Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items

Anyone know why when I change screen size and get the mobile menu bars and expand, the menu items with DDL sub menus are not expanding or shown?  I am using the latest bootstrap framework skin.



8/23/2017 1:55:44 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items


I just tested this on framework and don't notice a problem. Can you provide us with a bit more information? Do you have a live site we can take a look at to reproduce the bug? What browser(s) have you noticed the bug on?


8/23/2017 2:55:58 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items

Thanks Isaac...It is happening in both IE and Chrome.  I had some menu challenges after publishing site to the server in Azure as it was only showing Portal:SiteMenu as a vertical list at the top & site title was H1. To fix, I added include standard classes attribute in the which fixed the issue.

<portal:SiteTitle runat="server" SkinId="navbar-brand"


Here is the test site in Azure: 


8/24/2017 9:01:42 AM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items


I'm not sure yet why the styling isn't working, but I noticed that you set the pages with drop downs to be unclickable on their page settings - this prevents the JS that would normally show the submenu from firing.


8/24/2017 10:40:26 AM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items


I also noticed that the usual <span class="caret navbar-toggle sub-arrow"></span> isn't showing up inside the link of each item with submenus. This suggests to me that there is a script error, or else that the JS that handles the submenu has been removed. Have you edited the script in your skin at all?


8/24/2017 4:42:17 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Mobile menu is not including drop-down sub-menu items

Isaac...Do you know if there is a way to create a top level menu that is not a page so I can remove the un-clickable page?  Also, I have not edited the skin but will look into the caret CSS.



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