Multi-site app sleeping, long start ups

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4/27/2017 10:01:09 AM
Total Posts 225

Multi-site app sleeping, long start ups

I have a few multi-site installs (over a dozen sites each) and I have real problems with site load times. These sites are low traffic and I think the APP is shutting down, thus has to spin up on most visits. Each site seems to need to be spun up which seems odd to me, I would have assumed once any site was touched the rest would awake as well. I've tried a lot of things but just can't get them to load. It takes nearly 5 seconds on each new site visit to get the site to load, then it's speedy browsing around.

The strange thing is that one of the site installs is very quick and never seems to go to sleep. All the installs are identical as far as I can tell. Something strange, almost feels like a bug.

Any new ideas or tricks? I've browsed around old posts and various things online. Not getting anywhere.

Mojo 2.4.03 (in testing phase of
.NET 4.6
SQL Express 2008
IIS 7.5

4/27/2017 12:37:35 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Multi-site app sleeping, long start ups

That is an odd one for sure. As far as I'm aware, the IIS Application Pool idle timeout minutes (in the advanced settings) is the only thing that controls this. Since the same application pool is used for all mojo sites within one installation, I can't think of any reason why they'd be able to time out independently. Now, if the sites are in different installations, that would make sense.

Are you self-hosted or using a third party host? You might check to see if there are any load balancers or proxies between the client and server that might be causing an initial delay. Also check IIS and mojo web logs for any clues.


4/28/2017 2:46:10 PM
Total Posts 225

Re: Multi-site app sleeping, long start ups

I made some progress. Setting the app pool timeout to only recycle once a day did help a LOT. The odd behavior remains: I would think that if one site in a multi-site install was touched it would awaken ALL the other sites... but that's not the case, at least not with my installs. It seems that each site is being treated as an individual app pool (even though I know that's not the case).

Anyone aware of settings that could cause this behavior?

4/28/2017 3:09:11 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Multi-site app sleeping, long start ups

Hi Eric,

I'm not aware of any settings that would cause that behavior. If the skins are large though I'm guessing the server is taking a while to compile the CSS and cache the skin for each site. You might try minimizing your CSS yourself and then setting <add key="MinifyCSS" value="false"/> in your user.config. We actually do this for all of the sites we build these days. We generally don't have much in our style.config file either. Everything is "compiled" using Prepros and we add a single entry to the style.config referencing our "compiled" css file (main.css).  

Hope this helps,

BTW, using Prepros has many other benefits as well. It will autoprefix, optimize images, minify and a whole lot more.

5/11/2017 8:22:04 PM
Total Posts 225

Re: Multi-site app sleeping, long start ups

Thanks for the tips. I'll be looking into this. Any speed improvement is worth the effort!

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