NewsArticles Module

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2/27/2008 11:47:52 AM
Total Posts 3

NewsArticles Module


Is it possible to find any News (creating,publishing,editing) module for MojoPortal? Your portal is one of the best, but News module... Have you plans to impleent it?

Best regards,


4/26/2008 2:24:55 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: NewsArticles Module

Hi Antonio

I anounce you to see an initial news articles module in Community Downloads.Please tell me you ideas to improvment that.

best regards,

Asad Samarian


5/9/2008 9:31:16 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: NewsArticles Module

Hi Asad,

just found your posting and download your script. It looks nice, almost what i was looking for !!

Most of the functions I need are available I think. I just have a problem when I edit a news item the end date is not correct (back current date) Also the "excerpt" field is not showing up in the site.

Maybe some suggestions for if you plan to further develop the module

- Overview last 5 or 10 news articles from the current category below the current article
- Send to friend function
- Option to display Publishing date
- Option to display publicher


5/9/2008 1:51:06 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: NewsArticles Module

Hi Wouter

Thanks for test my work.Nowadays I'm very busy but I plan to develop it. Sometime I think News Module is just a Blog Module and sometime I think not just Blog Module.So I confused.If you have a diffrent between News Module and Blog Module please let me know.

best regards.



5/14/2008 8:37:25 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: NewsArticles Module VS Blog


I know, sometimes I have the same problem.

If I look to the mojoportal blog module I am missing the functionality to give an enddate and the function to give an small intro text to the message. With those functions I think I can make the blog module work as news module. In the mean time I am gone use your module to learn C# and the mojo concept and try to add some functions.

For me a blog is more interactive. In a newsmodule I publish news without the posiblity to give comments, but if possible with rss and send to friend functions

... but if you ask it to 10 people they all give a different answer i think !


5/14/2008 8:56:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: NewsArticles Module

One idea I've been thinking of lately might also be a way of having a news module. The idea is really more of an advanced RSS module. On the admin side you would subscribe to as many rss feeds as you want, but then you would approve on a post by post basis from all the feeds, which posts go into the output rss and then this output rss would be the news feed. So you could post many items in the blog, but maybe only a few of those become news items by approving them. This would also allow pulling in news items from external feeds or other features in mojoPortal. For example I plan to add RSS for the Events feature so events can be subscribed to using an RSS reader like google Reader. But you could also announce events in the news module by the same apparoval process. So the admin page for this advanced RSS feature would have 2 panes, on the left you would see all the posts coming in from all the subscribed feeds and on the right pane the posts approved for the output feed. You would select a post on the left and either click a button or perhaps drag and drop to add it to the approved list. A good name for a feature like this might be RSS Publisher because you would selectivly publish posts into an outbound feed from all the inbound feeds.

Anyway its an idea I've been thinking of but not sure if/when I will get to it so if anyone else wants to build it that would be great.



8/4/2008 11:36:58 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: NewsArticles Module

Is this not available for download anymore??


1/12/2009 4:59:31 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: NewsArticles Module

Please, implement SQLite DAL.

This will greately help.

Thank you very much,


7/28/2010 2:54:47 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: NewsArticles Module


I also need a news module for a project. I know that the blog module can be used as some kind of news module, but its not the same. There are some features in other projects, that i don't like as i do for the mojoportal, that are real need in a news module. Mojo is really a great project and i like the architecture and i don't understand why doesn't have a news module, that is one of the most used functionality in portals. So many great things and lakes for a news module?

And i searched in the community downloads and i only saw one module. Is that correct or i missed something?

Asad Samarian said that he had made a news module and post to the downloads, but i cant find it. It was taken from the downloads? Just to know if i was in the right place and if it was taken theres any other place i can get it?


thanks in advance

José Domingos

7/28/2010 5:06:19 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: NewsArticles Module

Hi José, I believe this is already on Joe's list. If you check the roadmap page, you'll see under the blog roadmap section that he wants to expand the blog module to better support use as a news feature. I know there are a lot of us who are looking forward to those changes. smiley



7/29/2010 5:35:40 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: NewsArticles Module

Hi Jose,

As Jamie mentioned we are planning improvements to the blog to make it meet the needs of a "News Module".

For now, what most people do is use a Feed Manager on the home page for a news module and consume the feed from the blog which is on a different page. This allows you to show the most recent posts or excerpts of them on the home page.

Hope it helps,


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