User media folder

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2/19/2015 10:37:44 AM
Total Posts 118

User media folder

I've not long upgraded to but only just noticed that when users upload files, they upload to the data/sites/1/media rather than their respective user folder. 

Where do I set this?

2/19/2015 4:55:24 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: User media folder

Go to Administration, Permissions. Click the link for Roles than can browse and upload but only in a user specific folder, and make sure that the box is checked by the user role(s) you want to apply this behavior to. If you want to apply this to everyone, select the Authenticated Users role.

Next, go to Roles that can browse and upload files, and make sure that the roles you checked above are not checked here. This may be precautionary--I'm not sure offhand how mojoPortal would handle it if it a role were checked in both places.


2/20/2015 2:55:46 AM
Total Posts 118

Re: User media folder

That's great thanks Jamie, strange that it had reset though, I searched web.config thinking I'd missed something during the upgrade. 

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