A section of my site disappeared

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2/17/2015 6:19:22 PM
Total Posts 8

A section of my site disappeared


Richard Matteson with BluegrassMessengers.com.  Powered by mojoPortal | XHTML 1.0 | CSS | Design by styleshout

A section of my site disappeared today- with over 10,000 pages (not sure but there are alot). It was under the heading ROOTS. The pages are no longer found in my administration menu: add/edit pages- they have disappeared. The roots heading has also disappeared- I have not deleted it or anything recently.

I can find individual pages if I google search- but they aren't connected to the root page. I do have one page open that has the root page from yesterday but all new pages do not have these pages.



2/17/2015 6:38:58 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: A section of my site disappeared


This is hard to believe but now the whole section : Roots has reappeared. What could have happened? I also contacted my friend Amos and he couldn't find the roots page either so it's not my computer. it just disappeared for 30 minutes at least.

Any insight is welcome- obviously losing thousands of hours of work is something I can't tolerate. Any suggestions are welcome. By the way I love Mojo Portal- the only problem with it for me is moving pages up or down - one click at a time. It takes me 15-20 minutes to move a page sometimes to it's proper place- had this been remedied? Some of my pages have 300 or 400 hundred sub-pages,


2/18/2015 12:38:05 PM
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Re: A section of my site disappeared

The important thing to know about a CMS like mojoPortal is that all of the user-generated content pages on your site are virtual, and are generated on the fly and presented by mojoPortal when that page is accessed by a user. So the most likely way you could suddenly lose a large portion of the site would be due to data being deleted or corrupted in the database.

Go to Administration, System Log, and scroll through to find the time period where part of your site was missing. Since this was a transitory issue, my best guess is that there was a temporary interruption of database access at that time. If that's the case, there should be logged error messages that may give you a clue as to what happened. Then you'll be able to approach your hosting company with some specific information about the problem, and ask them how they can prevent it from happening again going forward.


2/18/2015 12:59:23 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: A section of my site disappeared


To help with moving pages, you should look into the Page Manager Pro add-on. It allows you to easily drag-and-drop pages.

Joe D.

2/18/2015 1:28:00 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: A section of my site disappeared

First thing to do is make sure you get a backup of your database and all the files in your site so that you know you are able to recover it if something goes wrong.

before considering page manager pro, keep in mind it only works with recent versions of mojoportal. You did not mention your version of mojoportal nor version of .net or database in your hosting. I suspect you are using a very old version and have never upgraded. If so then you are likely in need of upgrading as there have been patched security issues in the past. When I first saw you post I was afraid maybe your site was taken over and someone deleted your content. Again with a backup you could recover but ideally you would upgrade to the latest version and then you could consider page manager pro which may help with page management. But the latest version requires .net 4.5 hosting and a database at least as new as sql 2005 sp4.

upgrading from a very old version you would probably need professional help because I don't sense that you have the technical knowledge to do it yourself and you may need to migrate to a hosting that supports .net 4.5 if your current host does not provide that. Joe Davis is my recommendation if you would like help with that.

writing on my iPad from vacation in sunny cancun so forgive any typos


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