Looking for an advice

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12/15/2014 1:11:53 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Looking for an advice

without knowing what each role allows how can I suggest a hierarchy, here is strategy advice

it is better to have as few roles as possible attached to the user

it is ok to have lots of allowed roles attached to a page

think of how to use that info to reduce the number of roles per user

to be able to use more roles per user, you should use short role names but they have to be unique obviously

one thing to understand about that. when you create a role the name you enter is used as RoleName and DisplayName in the mp_roles table, roleName is used in the cookie so it must be short as possible but display name is not stored in the cookie so it can be longer.

once a role is created the rolename never changes, if you edit it edits only the displayname,  the only way to edit the rolename is directly in the db or by delete and re-create the role.

so when you create a role use a short name then edit it to make a more friendly display name

plan ahead the short names you will use for each planned role sinc eyou plan a lot of roles, create the role with the short name then edit it to change the display name

12/15/2014 1:16:41 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Looking for an advice

thanks a lot dear, I really really appreciate your valuable support. keep it up :)

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