Mobile Kit Pro - redirect to mobile site

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5/21/2014 3:47:35 PM
Total Posts 21

Mobile Kit Pro - redirect to mobile site


I have a question regarding the full site redirect in Mobile Kit Pro.

I am developing two skins, one is a 'full' version with drop down menus, the other is a 'touch' version with accordion style menus. On a mobile device you can switch from the mobile to the full version using redirect.aspx?ts=1 or redirect.aspx?ts=2

I was wondering though, if we could make the reverse happen? I tested this out using redirect.aspx, but it appears that on a desktop browser you can't load the mobile skin-- I'm guessing this is because Mobile Kit Pro reads the user agent string and sees that you're not on a mobile device, so it kicks you back to the full site.

Is there another way of doing this in MojoPortal that I haven't thought of? I think there will be more of a need for this in the future because of convertible Win8 devices like the MS Surface or the Lenova Yoga.

5/21/2014 3:53:51 PM
Total Posts 21

Re: Mobile Kit Pro - redirect to mobile site

For testing purposes this could be useful too, rather than having to spoof the user agent to load the mobile version and test things in Firebug...

5/21/2014 3:59:53 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Mobile Kit Pro - redirect to mobile site

For testing a mobile design using your desktop browser, your best bet is to use the Emulation tools in Chrome or IE.

Joe D.

5/21/2014 4:02:28 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Mobile Kit Pro - redirect to mobile site


Mobile Kit Pro is intended only for the very small screen of phones. I recommend make your main site skin responsive for tablets on up to jumbo sized displays.

All that redirect page does is set a cookie for the case where the mobile phone user wants to use the main skin instead of the mobile skin or clears the cookie to toggle back to the mobile skin. There is no separate mobile site.

mojoPortal detects phones based on the user agent fragments that can be configured but again a Surface or other tablet is not a phone sized screen and the best solution is to make your main skin responsive for different screen sizes and use the Mobile Skin as it was intended only for phones and optimized for the much smaller screen size and often reduced bandwidth of phones.

One could even make a skin responsive to handle phones on up and it should work ok for small sites with only a few pages. But for larger sites the main advantage of Mobile Kit Pro is the menu can handle any sized site hierarchy and make it easy to navigate for phones. And by using a separate skin for phones the css payload can be reduced to only what is needed for phone sized screens whereas responsive css would contain lots of media queries for screens that are larger than phone size such as tablets on up and that makes the payload larger. Since phones often have less bandwith it is ideal to keep the payload as small as possible.

Hope that helps,


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