Email templates

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1/20/2008 10:53:04 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Email templates

Joe, your suggestion for the newsletter that I was editing from templates box, worked great. Would you like to look at it? Perhaps use it as a template for the newsletter feature? I am also considering creating some templates for newsletters that are done from scratch and incorporate as much of the techniques that are suggested among the resources that you had for html email resources. I would like to see what I could come up with. Are you interested? Could also make ones for seasonal, the only problem would be images and linking them?

1/20/2008 12:58:43 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Email templates

Hi Thomas,

Sure I'd be glad to see the final result and extra glad if you'd like to share it with the community.

I've got a page stared for comunity downloads, if you send me a .zip of any templates and supporting images I'll be glad to post them.



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