Question about blog functionality...

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4/17/2014 3:24:18 PM
Total Posts 1

Question about blog functionality...

Hello - 

I am trying to implement a blog on my website.  I would like to have the most 5 recent posts show up on the home page as well as having the blog available on its own page.  I have the blog available on the home page in the left column, however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add the same blog to the menu.  Thanks!


Jeremy Bush

4/17/2014 4:03:11 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Question about blog functionality...

Set up a Feed Manager instance on the home page, to consume the RSS from your blog.

Edit: Note that you can't move the blog around from page to page, so you should create a new blog on its own separate page, and delete the one on the home page.

4/18/2014 10:24:56 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Question about blog functionality...

If you have a lot of blog posts in your blog already and do not want to delete it, try this:

  1. Rename the home page to Blog
  2. Go to Administration > Advanced Tools > URL Redirect Manager
  3. Find the entry redirecting /home to /blog and delete it.
  4. Go to Administration > Add/Edit Pages
  5. Create a new page named Home and move it to the top the list.
  6. Move the Blog page to the desired location in your menu structure
  7. Go to the Blog page and click "Edit this Page"
  8. Remove the content features you don't want on the blog page by selecting the feature and clicking the trash icon next to the list containing the selected feature. This will not delete the content, it'll only remove it from the page.
  9. Go to Administration > Content Manager
  10. Find the content which used to be on the blog page and publish it to the new home page.
  11. Got to the Home page and click "Edit this Page"
  12. Add the Feed Manager feature to the page in the desired panel
  13. Configure the Feed Manager to consume the feed exposed by the Blog

It's a bit of a process but it works and saves you from needing to recreate a lot of blog posts.

Joe D.

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