That is better if blog module and forum modules be separated projects.

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1/18/2008 3:10:11 AM
Total Posts 550

That is better if blog module and forum modules be separated projects.

Hi Joe
In my opinion that is better if blog module and forum modules be separated projects like poll or survey modules.


1/18/2008 7:40:41 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: That is better if blog module and forum modules be separated projects.

Hi A.Samarian,

I disagree. The main reason a few features are separate is to show other developers how they can implement features without mingling their code in the core. In the case of the Poll and Survey, it also makes it easier to handle the fact that all the data layers have not yet been implemented for those features. However I can see no good reason to make every core feature into separate projects. It will make the solution have too many projects and will make it more complicated to manage the builds for all the different data layers. You see for every feature that we make separate we end up with 7 projects, 1 UI, 1 Business, and 5 Data layer projects. So to separate the blog and forum we would have to add 14 projects to the solution.

Right now when I want to do a build for MySQL, I just need to change the data layer reference on mojoPortal.Business, but if all the projects get separate I need to do it on every Business layer project. Already I am faced with this when the other data layers get implemented for the current separate projects.

Best Regards,


1/18/2008 10:42:06 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: That is better if blog module and forum modules be separated projects.

Hi Joe

Ok.In my opinion separated projects make mojoportal will be very modular and this is cause mojoportal will be very extendable. We must try to find share things in all projects as mojoportal core.

Best  regards.


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