Problems Uploading Images

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1/16/2008 12:16:12 AM
Total Posts 10

Problems Uploading Images

I cant browse for pictures with KCFeditor under ie7 with vista, it tells me that I dont have privileges to do it. When I use Firefox it does allow me, however when I want to save the html text it goes to the login page and after login back in it goes to the editor page and trying to save returns me to login...

Also I was wondering, why I dont see the File Manager in the Child sites.

1/16/2008 5:53:21 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problems Uploading Images


I recently upgraded from Vista to XP myself so no longer have a Vista machine to test but its working fine for me in IE7 under XP so I suspect it may just be security setting differences in Vista, like I know I used to see warnings about MSXML using Vista and the file browser does use xml so you may need to poke around in the browser settings and loosen it up a bit. Another possible cause is if you upgraded you may still have some old FCKeditor javscript or html files in your browser cache. I would delete temporary internet files and see if that helps.

By default child sites are not allowed the Administration > File Manager because it allows direct access to the server file system. If you want to enable it for child sites, set this to true in Web.confog or user.config

<add key="AllowFileManagerInChildSites" value="false" />

Hope it helps,


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