Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

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1/15/2008 2:22:16 PM
Total Posts 30

Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

How can I upload Word docs, spreadsheets and pdfs? We have lots of content in Doc, Excel, and PDFs, I am looking at ways to upload the content.

1/15/2008 2:37:31 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

The best way is to use the shared files module so you can secure access to the files by role permissions. If the files were just uploaded to disk there could be no security because .NET isn't the handler for .doc, .xls, or .pdf files so anyone who knew the path could request those files and IIS would happily serve them up without giving .NET any opportunity to control access.

The Shared files module stores all files on disk using the .config extension which is handled by .NET and there fore allows protection. When downloading from the shared files module the code verifies the user has view permssion on th epage where the Shared Files module instance lives. If so it writes the file into the response changing it back to its original name and extension on the fly.

You could use the File Manager (Under Administration mneu) to upload files raw and then just link to them (using the new link browser), but only admins can use that feature because it allows direct access to the server file system.

Hope it helps,


1/15/2008 2:44:56 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

Just realized that actually the new link browser (coming to svn trunk tonight) also allows users who are in the allowed upload roles to both upload and link to files without having to go to the Administration > File Manager.

So if your preference is not to secure the files or there is no need to secure it, you will be able to upload and link easily if in those roles.


1/15/2008 2:47:32 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

Is "Allowed Upload" a different role? Can roles be set at that level of detail? If we can, that is great.

1/15/2008 2:47:47 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

Is "Allowed Upload" a different role? Can roles be set at that level of detail? If we can, that is great.

1/15/2008 2:48:03 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

Is "Allowed Upload" a different role? Can roles be set at that level of detail? If we can, that is great.

1/15/2008 2:54:26 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets and PDFs

The roles that can upload are defined in Web.config or can be defined in user.config

The default setting is like this:

<add key="RolesThatCanUploadAndBrowse" value="Admins;Content Administrators;Content Publishers;Content Authors;Store Managers" />

You can add or remove roles separated by semi colons. Though Admins role can do anything no matter what you define here.


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