Orangesunset coloring in Contact Form

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1/15/2008 6:08:54 AM
Total Posts 6

Orangesunset coloring in Contact Form


When using the skin: orangesunset, the font color in combination with the background is almost unreadable when trying to edit text in the contact form.

Repro steps:

1) Change skin to OrangeSunSet

2) Add a Contact Form on a page

3) Type some text in the edit field.

Some questions:

1) How do I change the coloring for the contact form only to be background white / font black? or

2) How can I make the contact form coloring follow the rest of the skin. (lightgrey on dark background instead of lightgrey on white)


Thanks for your answer,



1/15/2008 6:37:47 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Orangesunset coloring in Contact Form

Hi Patrick,

I'll take a look at this today and see whats going on. I'll post again after I've looked at it.



1/15/2008 2:03:05 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Orangesunset coloring in Contact Form

Hi Patrick,

The files for that skin will be under /Data/Site/1/skins/orangesunset

Look in stylecolors.css

change this: body { color: #D5D2D6; }
body { }
and change this:
a.sitelink:hover {color: #837560; }
a.sitelink:hover {color: white; }

and things should look a little better.

I'll be fixing it in svn.

Hope it helps,


1/15/2008 5:01:54 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Orangesunset coloring in Contact Form

Hi Joe,


Thanks for the reply. With the changes you suggested, the text is now visible.


Thanks again for your help,



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