Users without Email

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1/3/2014 10:54:15 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Users without Email

I am building a new site for my karate club.

All club members will get a login to access some members only content with internal content, forums and a web-shop.

All members have a member-ID number and I am planning on using this as the username.
There will be no registration on the site, I will manually create all accounts (about 70 users).

I want all mebers to have a unique login, but the problem is that a lot of members are children that do not have an email-address.

I figured that I can use their parents e-mail, but since there are siblings and also both parents and children that are members, it is not possible since one email  cannot be used for several accounts.  Also, the email address field cannot be left blank.

I understand that there could be issues with several accounts with the same email, but they should be solvable I think.

Of course I can set a bogus email address like noemai1l@nodomain.notld or something like that, but it does not feel as an elegant solution and will generate errors inthe logs and so on.


Is there a way to have users without email?
​(Otherwise, consider this as a feature request)

Does anyone have an idea for a solution or a workaround?



1/3/2014 11:02:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Users without Email

Hi Matts,

Most email accounts support extra text that can be used to differentiate the kids for example. Suppose the parent has you can use for a child and the parent will get any email sent to that address.

People often use the extra text for mailbox rules to put messages in specific folders. for example if the above user wanted email from this site to go into a folder he could register as then setup a rule for mail matching that pattern to go to a specific folder.

Hope that helps,


1/3/2014 11:29:09 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: Users without Email

Thanks for your suggestion.

That would definitely have been a great solution - if it had worked :-(

I have two email-accounts, my private (merak POP) and my work-email (MS Exchange). Tried to send mail to each from the other, but none of them worked, I got a NDR in return saying that the mailbox does not exist.

I have not heard of this feature before.
Maybe it works on some public emails like gmail or hotmail, but to say it works on "most" is probably an exaggeration I think.

At least it does not seem to be something that I can depend on.

I think I will have to require the parents to create email-accounts for their kids if it is mandatory to have a 1 to 1 relationship useraccount/email.


Any other ideas?



1/3/2014 12:31:51 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Users without Email

"Most" of the ones I use support it, it is an rfc on its way to becoming a standard, but if you prefer I say "some" then ok, some email accounts support it. I think older versions of Exchange do not support it but does support it so probably newer versions of Exchange do support it. SmarterMail supports it, Yahoo does not seem to support it.

Each mojoportal user account must have a unique email but if the email is not functional then it only means the user will not receive emails. Things like password recovery, newsletter, webstore order notification and forum notifications, rely on email but may not matter in your scenario. If they do matter then it would be best for your users to have functional email addresses. I have no other recommendations. I would say use the sub addressing if the parent has an email that supports it or ask them to create an email for their children if you want to be sure that mail can be sent.



1/8/2014 6:47:10 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: Users without Email


"most" or "some" does still not mean "all" and even if it is a Standards Track RFC, it is not in widespread use in commercial email servers. Exchange does not support it out of the box in the latest version and even if it is possible to implement this feature, very few organizations have done so.

The problem is not only that the user will not receive email. You stilll need to add a unique address for each user that is guaranteed to not be delivered somewhere and since the mails that the mojoPortal webserver sends is relayed through the hosting providers email servers, they will get NDRs and error in their logs.

I still see scenarios where you could support users without email and it would be great to have a keyword for that, like <No Email> that does not have to be different for every user, so I think this could be a nice to have feature of mojoPortal.


However, In my specific case I have found another solution instead that i find quite elegant.

It turns out that my registrar that manages DNS also provides an email forwarding service for free.

This mean that I can give all members a unique email alias in the form

There can be many aliases for the same email and lots of other features and is very easy to administer.

This will also automatically add the feature that all members can email any other member without having to expose their email address and that we can have unique addresses for our instructors and create mailng lists for groups of members without having to manage any email server.




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