If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
I would like to have your expert advise regarding the web site integration part.
Here is the scenario:
I want to use MojoPortal for managing the non-secure part of my website i.e. Public pages and from Mojo want a link to redirect to secure login for accessing the rest of stuff which is already being implemented in ASP.Net
To proceed I have created website named www.mycompany.com which right now contains all the published Mojo files. So for now my CMS is up and I can design the public pages.
From one of the public page I want to redirect to my secure part of website which contains variety of things implemented for mycompany. I am not sure whether I need to copy these whole files along with web.config in the mycompany.com website or need to create another virtual directory inside mycompany.com and do re-direction.
Please suggest.
sorry but I don't really understand your question and I don't know anything about the apps you are trying to integrate so I have no general advice about it.