HTML5 File Uploader

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10/31/2013 4:23:14 PM
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HTML5 File Uploader

Hi Joe, I haven't seen a lot of feedback about this on the forums, maybe because it's relatively new. Today I had to spend some time creating and updating a few Image Gallery instances on our Intranet site, and this was my first chance to do a lot of work with your new HTML5 file uploader that replaced NeatUpload in version Wow, I just wanted to say that this is an excellent addition to mojoPortal. Rather than just a one-for-one replacement of NeatUpload, the new file uploader is a really big upgrade in every way, and after using the drag-and-drop functionality I never want to go back to browsing for files again!

I really like how you turned what was at heart a maintenance chore (replacing an obsolete component of mojoPortal) into a true enhancement for users.


11/1/2013 11:20:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTML5 File Uploader

Hi Jamie,

Thanks a lot! I put a lot of effort into that and was happy about how it turned out but it is always nice to hear some positive feedback!



11/1/2013 10:58:44 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: HTML5 File Uploader

I'll ditto what Jamie has said and add that I have had a lot of success teaching uploads to clients since the new uploader was added. Uploading wasn't difficult with NeatUpload but people would generally get confused when browsing for multiple files. The drag-and-drop ability negates that and it makes it so much easier.

Joe D.

12/11/2013 2:31:16 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTML5 File Uploader

Hi Jamie,

The popularity of drag and drop got me thinking of another cool idea. If you use the latest code or the demo site with CKeditor, I've implemented support for dropping images directly into the editor. The only caveat is that the image will always be resized according to the default resize config settings and the image will be uploaded to the root folder where the user is allowed to upload, ie media folder. If one is particular about the resizing or preferred location one can still use the image dialog but it is pretty convenient to drag an image right in.

Of course as with other drag drop stuff it only works in the latest web browsers.



12/12/2013 1:47:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTML5 File Uploader

update, I managed to get the same functionality for dropping images working in TinyMCE, so now it works with either editor.

12/12/2013 3:12:11 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: HTML5 File Uploader

Awesome Joe, I can see this making our more "casual" users very happy. 

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