Problems with german characters

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12/28/2007 6:57:39 AM
Total Posts 18

Problems with german characters

Hello Joe,

very usable portal, that you made there.

We try out to set up our german homepage with your portal.

It workes fine, but we see the special german characters like "ä" as "ä".  This is the same when i look at your portal with my browser.

I changed the globalization-keys in web.config allready to "de-DE" but there was no difference.

When i change the entry in the de-DE-ressource-file to "ä" it workes fine for my portal.

Is this the correct solution for my problem?

Thanks for your help.


12/28/2007 7:57:00 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problems with german characters

Hi Klaus,

So editing the resource file fixed it? Then yes I would say that is the solution, it was working correctly if it was showing the same as the resource file so it must be that the resource file was incorrect until you fixed it. Please email the corrected resource file so I can fix it in the project. joe dot audette at gmail dot com.

I would be careful about changing the default globalization to de-DE in Web.config. You must make sure the default culture has no missing keys and the only resource file I know is up to date and complete is the Resource.resx which is english. You may want to review the german resource file line by line against the english one and add the missing items. Its possible to get null references exceptions if it encounters a key used in code for which there is no entry in the default resource file.

Best Regards,


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