Hi Ken,
Looking at your screen shot there is nothing in mojoPortal and nothing currently planned to control access to static files to that degree.
You can protect the static files in a given folder by adding a web.config file in the folder and configuring authorization rules. ie you could ahve a folder at /Data/Sites/1/media/premvideos
and you could put a web.config file in that folder something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
<add accessType="Allow" users="" roles="premiumrole" />
where premiumrole is a custom role in mojoPortal. So you could secure the video page in mojoPortal with that role and you could tell IIS to protect the folder containing the video files using a custom Web.config file in that folder.
Note that it is IIS not mojoPortal that protects the files.
I "think" WSAT tool just provides a UI that creates/edits those Web.config files and settings.
One could build their own UI that could also do that but it isn't something I plan to do, so with mojoPortal you would either have to create and manage those files and settings manually or use an external tool if there is one that does it.