A/V Conferencing Module

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12/27/2007 4:52:36 PM
Total Posts 4

A/V Conferencing Module

i created an application following this links tutorial for flash. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashcom/articles/first_comm_app.html

It actually worked ok when previewed as just FLASH. However, when I tried to load it to the server, or in a browser, it failed. I figured it didn't work on my computer because i didn't have a local server established, and while loading it on the site I must have placed the application script in the wrong folder.

is there any way of hosting a video conference, or video chat with realtime audio inside the  mojo portal? if so, what program or platform is recommended for developing the application?

it doens't have to be fancy or pretty. i just want to be able to host a live tutorial to demonstrate programs. i'd like it to also include a chat box where people can text in questions or chat during the demonstration. so in summary, a/v feeds with a chat room, any help is appreciated.




After thinking about it, i don't have flash media server(FMS) up and running on my server. I'm sure that's why my application won't work, and will not work. "i'm  an idiot". What about other methods involving sql and C# programming? Are there any applications able to do the A/V connection with my existing server without having to look into shared hosting for FMS.

12/28/2007 9:13:23 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: A/V Conferencing Module

Hi Chris,

This is a pretty complex feature. I don't know of solutions off the top of my head but I haven't googled it. I would google for ASP.NET video chat and you may find something that could integrate. There are probably providers out there that offer it through their own servers but in a way that can make it look like part of your site.

Myself, if I wanted to do a live tutorial I would probably just use soemthing like this: http://get.live.com/betas/sharedview_betas where you can have a meeting with remote desktop sharing.

I think its much easier to do pre-recorded tutorials. In that case Camtasia is a good tool to capture and produce. It can output both the flash and the html.

Hope it helps,


12/28/2007 9:29:44 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: A/V Conferencing Module

thanks joe. if i find anything i'll be sure to post them back in here for everyone to reference.

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