newbie question - how to replace home page images ?

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9/24/2013 7:22:41 AM
Total Posts 77

newbie question - how to replace home page images ?

This is my first installation. I can't figure out how to replace the images on the home page.

Please will someone let me know how to replace the images on the home page with either new images and/or with videos?



9/24/2013 10:27:11 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: newbie question - how to replace home page images ?


What images are you referring to?


9/24/2013 11:15:49 AM
Total Posts 77

Re: newbie question - how to replace home page images ?

I'm talking about the two images on the standard home page that have the following URL's

Although I have managed to create a few new pages, I'm still not sure of the procedure for adding content to my new pages.

By the way, I just discovered that the msi that I used installed version

and I'm also trying to figure out what I have to do to install






9/24/2013 12:27:15 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: newbie question - how to replace home page images ?

When you are logged into the site you should see an edit link near the title of the content instance, ie next to the word "Welcome" in the default new site content. Then in the editor you can delete those images by clicking on the image and backspace. To add a new image put the cursor in the editor where you would like the new image to be, click the Image toolbar item in the editor (mouse over the toolbar items to see their titles). The image dialog opens then you click the button to browse the server which opens another dialog page where you can upload an image or select existing images on the server.

See also Training Videos to learn how to use mojoPortal

Note that I moved this thread from the developer forum to the questions about site administration forum, since it has nothing to do with software development.

Hope that helps,


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