Compilation Error (Mono Develop)

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12/18/2007 3:37:52 PM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

Compilation Error (Mono Develop)

The error
 ISectionSettingsMapper was not found (with Mono 1.2.6.)

in MonoPagesConfigSection.cs

12/19/2007 2:58:15 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Compilation Error (Mono Develop)

Hi Bob,

See the updated documentation here:

The ISectionSettingsMapper is a new feature in mono that isn't in the 1.2.6 release but is in svn.

If using 1.2.6 you can get past this error by going into options on the Web project (right click choose options), under code generation remove USESETTINGSMAP compiler directive and it will leave out the code that is throwing the error.

Hope it helps,


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