Can you store uploaded files in the DB?

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12/14/2007 2:55:44 PM
Total Posts 4

Can you store uploaded files in the DB?

Is there any way to force uploaded files to be stored in the database instead of the file system?

(we use the SQL Server version)

I ask because we have a fairly rigid deployment system that pushes content from a network deployment directory up to staging and production servers. We have no read access to either of these servers' file systems. When we deploy, it replaces the server filesystem's contents with what's on the network share.

So when users upload images or files through the mojoportal interface, the next deployment threatens to erase them, unless we manually copy them to the appropriate locations in the deployment directory.

It's a great system, by the way, and I hope to provide a good success story here in another few weeks!

12/15/2007 1:47:11 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can you store uploaded files in the DB?


Not currently, but as soon as I find a customer interested in sponsoring this I'd be glad to work on it. This came up and was discussed a little in another thread here recently.

Its a complex feature to store all images and anything uploaded by the user in the db, there are a number of different issues to address to make that possible. The first is to get a consistent way across editors to upload files and browse images and other resources for easy linking so that there is a single codebase to maintain and all editors work the same. Currently only FCKeditor has this at all. Next is the actual storage and retrieval process plumbing, then integration across features like Shared File, Gallery, etc.

If your organization might have any interest please let me know joe dot audette at gmail dot com.



12/15/2007 4:00:15 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Can you store uploaded files in the DB?


My organization is unlikely to be able to fund the whole project. However we do plan to make a small financial contribution to your fine work -- which gave me the idea: if you provided feature "buckets" into which donators could point their funds, with "thermometers" showing how close each bucket was to being full enough to fund the feature, it could have the benefit of elliciting greater contributions (people feel like they're contributing to guide the application in their direction), *and* guiding the prioritization of new feature development.

Just a thought, anyway.

Thanks again,


12/19/2007 4:47:10 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can you store uploaded files in the DB?

Hi Dale,

Well, every contribution is welcome :-)

and thats a good idea about having feature buckets for sponsorship. I may give that a try soon.

Currently the stuff on the roadmap page is my general priority of what to work on in between customer work. Some of my customer work is just setting up sites and implementing skins, some is implementing custom features that aren't of use to the general mojoPortal community and some is work that is of general use to everyone. Ideally I'd like to be doing more of the 3rd type of work. Maybe making estimates of features and making it easy to sponsor effort toward particular things would get more contributions.

Anyway I'm pondering it.



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