Blog posts - start date

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12/14/2007 5:29:39 AM
Total Posts 9

Blog posts - start date

Hi Joe,

I've added a new post to my blog and set the "start date" on some date in future. The post isn't shown in list of posts (title page of BlogModule) and problably it'll be shown at the rigth time. But the post is displayed in list of posts of the its category and it is also displayed in archive. If I set the start date to next month, there will be a new item in archive list "next month". Is there some way how to save a draft of blog post without any possibility to be shown to common visitors of blog?

I've read the forum post "Blog Module - Items not listing" and someone else, but I haven't found answer here.

It's possible, it isn't bug, but just some mistake on my side..



12/14/2007 9:19:45 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Blog posts - start date


I consider this a feature request though I'm sure its also reasonable to see it as a bug. :-)

The ability to have unpublished drafts is a feature I would really like myself and plan to implement very soon.

Currently, if you show the calendar and you navigate to a future date using the calendar, you can find and edit your future post. However users can also find and view them which is probably not desireable.

I will implement this so that posts with future start date are not visible to anyone except those with edit permission. I will add a link to view unpublished posts that will be visible and functional only for the users with edit permission and this will allow using the future date to establish a post as a draft. I will make the calendar navigation prevent seeing future posts by ordinary users.

Might even work on this today, its not a big job.



12/15/2007 2:39:49 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Blog posts - start date

This is now implemented in svn trunk.

You can create drafts by setitng a future start date.

If there are any posts with a future start date you will see a link for Edit Drafts next to the Add Post link.

Ordinary users can't see posts with a future date even by navigating the calendar to the future.



12/19/2007 5:40:16 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Blog posts - start date


I've just upgraded my site and the feature run perfectly.

Maybe there is a little slip, the "Edit drafts" text shouldn't be visible for ordinary users as the "Add post" text isn't visible too.

12/19/2007 5:54:57 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Blog posts - start date

I have one more question. It can be also feature request or bug report.. :-)

How are post to the blog ordered? I think it's order in which they were added to site because change of StartDate or CreateDate doesn't have any effect to ordering of posts.

In accord with the "draft feature", if I insert the new post and save it as a draft with start date next week and then I insert some new posts, the first post will be shown next week but not on the top of page. I am not sure of it, but I suppose it will work in this way.


12/19/2007 3:09:20 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Blog posts - start date


I have the drafts link fixed and will have it in svn tonight. I will add the fix for the blog in the next db version increment soon. You can fix it right now by editing the mp_Blog_Select stored procedure.

The order by clasue has

b.ItemID DESC,  b.StartDate DESC

but it should be just

b.StartDate DESC



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