divCenter class does not change

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8/30/2013 11:53:29 PM
Total Posts 13

divCenter class does not change


I want to replace the default divCenter class with my customized class names. I changed css settings in the skin file: \Data\Sites\1\skins\test\theme.skin. Under Administration > Site Setting > Skin, I selected "test" as a new skin , reset IIS. Reload the home page, view source, I still have below default class in the "ctl00_divCenter" tag.


Could someone let me know what I've missed?


My web server:

MojoPortal version: version
IIS7 .NET Framework 4.0.30319
DB: SQLExpress

This is what I changed in the theme.skin file.




8/31/2013 1:13:50 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: divCenter class does not change


Make sure the layout.master file of your skin actually has <portal:LayoutPanel instead of <asp:Panel as discussed in the article layout display settings. Older skins from older versions of mojoPortal did not have this so your skin may need to be updated to use the new panels.

Hope that helps,


8/31/2013 4:58:24 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: divCenter class does not change

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your message. I used layout.master file from version download (\Data\Sites\1\skins\art41-wallpaper\Layout.Master). So the skin file has <portal:LayoutPanel.</p>


Below change in the layout.Master does the trick, change UseArtisteer3="true" to "false".

For example,

        JQueryUIThemeName="sunny" UseIconsForAdminLinks="false" UseTextLinksForFeatureSettings="true" />

change to:

        JQueryUIThemeName="sunny" UseIconsForAdminLinks="false" UseTextLinksForFeatureSettings="true" />


Thank you!

4/10/2014 1:51:31 PM
Total Posts 21

Re: divCenter class does not change

I used the current Artisteer 4.2 export plugin and ran into this very issue.  If the problem lies in the template layout.master in the plugin, it would be great to get that fixed by switching the useartisteer3 setting to false on the stylesheetcombiner.

4/11/2014 8:52:14 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: divCenter class does not change


Thanks for letting me know. You are correct that the useartisteer3 setting should not be there, it must have been an oversight, I did not realize that was in there, I will remove it and update the plugin soon. In the meantime you can easily remove it from layout.master.



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