960 Grid System with Skins

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8/22/2013 8:57:45 AM
Total Posts 18

960 Grid System with Skins

Is there a way to use the 960 Grid System with mojoPortal to design skins.  I'm looking into various tools to use and was wondering if this is possible.  Thanks.

8/22/2013 9:21:30 AM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: 960 Grid System with Skins

Yes, this is quite possible. I've made tons of skins while using the grid system. After you've included the grid CSS in the skin, go through the layout.master and add the grid classes you need.

For elements that aren't in the layout.master, look in the theme.skin. You can add grid classes to almost everything there, primarily the layout panels (center, left, right), and the divs that the modules use (like the blog, you can put grid_8 on the post wrapper and grid_4 on the blog navigation, etc).

Hope this helps,

8/22/2013 1:04:36 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: 960 Grid System with Skins


Yes as Isaac said it is possible. The 2 key articles to help you are How The Main Column Layout Works which explains the logic of how css classes are assigned to the panels programmatically based on whether content exists in the panels, and the article Layout Display Settings which show the properties that allow you to specify the actual css classes used from theme.skin file (since you'll want to use the classes of the grid system instead of our default classes).

Hope that helps,


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