post blog addthisrss.gif wrong path

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8/17/2013 2:11:54 PM
Total Posts 163

post blog addthisrss.gif wrong path

hi joe, I think I found another small bug. when viewing a blog post, the images relating to rss (addthisrss.gif) is searched for in the root of the web space instead mojoportal in the folder where it was installed. I think it should be sought within the installation folder.

as an example:

instead of:

8/20/2013 11:03:00 AM
Total Posts 163

Re: post blog addthisrss.gif wrong path

having received no response can someone help me?

8/20/2013 11:52:03 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: post blog addthisrss.gif wrong path


Thanks for the bug report. This is now fixed in our source code repository so it will be fixed in the next release.



8/20/2013 12:10:01 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: post blog addthisrss.gif wrong path

ok joe, thanks for your answer, as always very efficient

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