How to recover a page after deleting ?

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8/16/2013 3:26:26 AM
Total Posts 3

How to recover a page after deleting ?

Hi Joe,

I created a page in my site and i put into it some data, but by accident, i've just deleted it. Please tell me how to recreate it with data which i put in.

Thanks !

8/19/2013 2:25:25 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: How to recover a page after deleting ?

When you delete a page the content for the page is not deleted. You can create a new page to replace it then go to Administration > Content Manager and find the content that was on the old page and publish it on the new page.

However depending on the features that were on the page there could be some problems. If it was just instances of html content feature it should be ok, but there are problems when features like the blog or webstore or any feature that uses friendly urls are moved to a new page, because the friendly urls map to a real url that has the old page id and those would have to be fixed to use the new page id from under Administration > Advanced Tools > Url Manager.

Hope that helps,


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