Form Wizard Pro Title Hide - Instructions

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8/12/2013 1:39:25 PM
Total Posts 1

Form Wizard Pro Title Hide - Instructions

Hi Joe,

On a webpage for our site, I uncheck the box for "show title" in the general settings of the form wizard pro content feature item.

On the first page of the form which instructs the user to upload a file the title does not show (as expected), however on the subsequent pages it does show (i.e. the instructions page).

Please advise on how to hide the title from all parts of the feature instance.


Thank you!

8/13/2013 12:20:56 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Form Wizard Pro Title Hide - Instructions


Thanks for the bug report. This problem only happens when a form is using file uploads, the title was not hidden on the supporting upload page. I just fixed this in my copy so it will be fixed in the next update to Form Wizard Pro.

In the meantime you could hide it by css like this:

.formwizupload h2.moduletitle { display:none; }

or if using an Artisteer skin you would need something like this because it has an extra div surrounding the h2:

.formwizupload .art-postmetadataheader { display:none; }



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