Validation RSS url

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8/10/2013 3:34:50 PM
Total Posts 36 - Russian community of mojoportal

Validation RSS url


Good day.

After adding blog's module in the site I checked validation page with blog. showed me 2 errors: "...& did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)".

Both errors in the RSS url ".../Blog/RSS.aspx?p=1~21~-1&r=..." (first in the , second in the link RSS).
How may I change these url?

8/11/2013 11:10:08 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Validation RSS url


There were some things fixed in the blog feed validation for version of mojoPortal. However for the feed to validate correctly you should make sure in blog settings under feed settings that you have specified a name and email address for the feed managing editor, and it is a good idea to choose at least the top level category from the itunes list of categories.

You will find that the feed for the blog on this site does validate. (actually it did not validate until I added the managing editor name and email which I did just now).

Hope that helps,


8/11/2013 11:20:55 AM
Total Posts 36 - Russian community of mojoportal

Re: Validation RSS url

Thanks for Your answer. 

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