Vertical menu problem

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8/6/2013 11:46:41 PM
Total Posts 53

Vertical menu problem

Hi Joe

A web developer designed a custom skin for me using Artisteer 4.1, starting with art41-greengold. It wasn't until he created his fifth version that I noticed that the functionality of the vertical menu had been affected. Going back through his versions, the first version had the same problem.

When navigating through the vertical menu, the correct content page will not load until you get to the bottom level from any page in the vertical menu. If the vertical menu page has no sub-pages, the correct content page loads.

Navigation through the horizontal menu works perfectly.

Is this something you have seen before or is it just a matter of using developer tools to try and identify what has broken? Alternatively, I will have to get him to start from scratch again.

Many thanks, Sandy

8/7/2013 12:40:50 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Vertical menu problem

Hi Sandy,

If I know the answer to a question I'll usually help, but I don't in general offer any support for skins that people modify, especially Artisteer skins modified outside of Artisteer..

art41-greengold is on our demo site and working fine and I don't really know if I understand what you are describing so I don't have any advice for this one.

Most design and scripting problems can be diagnosed and solved with browser tools given enough background knowledge of html, css, and javascript

​If you post a link where the problem can be seen then maybe I or somone else would have a better idea of what problem you are describing.



8/7/2013 5:17:37 PM
Total Posts 53

Re: Vertical menu problem

Thanks for the advice Joe. I can't post a link because it's on our intranet. I don't have an extensive amount of web development experience that's why I got a professional to design the skin??

I think the web developer is going to have to go back to square one. I have found nothing wrong with art41-greengold, even imported to Artisteer and exported as a mojoPortal template, it has to be something he's changed in the early stages.

I thought I would post my issue in the off chance someone might have been able to decipher my problem and seen it before.

Thanks for responding anyway.

Kind regards, Sandy

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