Typo in Content Workflow

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8/6/2013 7:32:45 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Typo in Content Workflow

"This content has bee submitted for approval."

8/6/2013 1:27:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Typo in Content Workflow

Thanks! Just fixed this in my copy so it will be fixed int he next release.

8/8/2013 4:06:09 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Typo in Content Workflow

Nice one Joe, I'll report more typo's if and when I find them!  (Hmmm, correct usage of apostrophe?).

Just wondering... when we submit a bug report, I know you nearly always answer them promptly. When a report gets no response, does that mean you don't agree it's a bug, or a priority, or you've just not had a chance to look at it yet?  I logged two or three others recently which are sitting there all lonely :-(

8/8/2013 10:24:34 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Typo in Content Workflow

How quickly I get to a bug report varies by:

How critical it is vs what I'm trying to work on at the time. Currently I am trying to stay focused on Fund Raiser Pro which is going to be my next add on feature for sale.

How clear the steps to reproduce it are.

How complicated the steps to produce it are.

How easy it is to fix

Something as trivial as a typo would typically be fixed immediately so I don't have to remember it. It is easier in that case to be done with it than to have to keep track of it for later.

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