multi domain one site setup

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7/26/2013 5:48:04 AM
Total Posts 25

multi domain one site setup



I recently purchased an additional domain for my site. Previously I was using a one domain and one site I want to point the new domain at the same site.

I've tried doing a simple domain forward where I have one domain forward to the previous one that is setup and it looks like it works until I try to login, where i'm having the problem of it just simply bringing me back to the non-authenticated home page after a successful authentication.


What's the best way to set up my new domain so that I can point to the existing site and have it function that folks can login?




7/26/2013 11:13:38 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: multi domain one site setup

You need the new domain to work just like the first one. The dns should point to the ip address and the IIS web site should have a matching host name in the bindings for the site.

Domain forwarding is not going to work, sometimes what they do is use a frame and the page inside the frame has a different domain so web browsers don't let it set cookies inside the frame because the domains don't match (a security feature of the browser) so login succeeds but doesn't work since it fails to set the auth cookie.

Hope that helps,


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