Form Wizard Pro 2.6.1 Submission Email Typo

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7/26/2013 5:22:20 AM
Total Posts 25

Form Wizard Pro 2.6.1 Submission Email Typo

I've got a customer complaining that whenever they get a form submission from the site, it has a typo in the word "recieved" instead of "received" in the subject line where it says "Form Submission Recieved".


How can I fix this?




7/26/2013 8:40:45 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Form Wizard Pro 2.6.1 Submission Email Typo


This string is in the FormWizardResources.resx file but it is spelled correctly in Form Wizard

You can always edit that file to make sure it is spelled correctly.

Joe D.

7/28/2013 2:56:02 PM
Total Posts 25

Re: Form Wizard Pro 2.6.1 Submission Email Typo

Is there another possible way to configure this subject?  I checked the formwizardresouces.resx file and it's fine as you stated, but when I submit the form, it is still not spelled correctly.




7/29/2013 10:28:06 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Form Wizard Pro 2.6.1 Submission Email Typo

Hi Scott,

fyi, I just posted a new release of Form Wizard Pro, it requires also upgrading to the new release of mojoPortal This issue should be fixed in the new version. Now there is full control over the email template so it can be customized and configured for using either plain text or html email. Look in the settings after upgrading to find the new settings for custom email templates with a link to edit them.

Hope that helps,


8/1/2013 2:59:16 PM
Total Posts 25

Re: Form Wizard Pro 2.6.1 Submission Email Typo

Hi Joe,


So I discovered the issue. I was able to fix the subject line inside the notification settings (notification subject). My guess is that the word "received" was spelled "recieved" at some point in time on the form wizard pro resx file because it looks like it preloads that subject in when you create a new form.  So probably what happened is, during the time these forms were created, the resx file had a typo, the forms were created and that was used as the default subject.  After I upgraded the site, the existing forms did not have their subject lines updated to fix the spelling even though the resx typo was fixed.

Does that sound feasible?  Either way, I just wanted to share with you that I was able to fix it without upgrading to the version you just released.



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