Can't ajust styles for CKEditor

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7/23/2013 1:11:00 PM
Total Posts 23

Can't ajust styles for CKEditor

Hi, I'm trying to configure inline styles, object styles that are defined in CKEditor by default, but I can't see changes in blog editor.

for some reason this file is not loading in blog edit, ClientScript\ckeditor403\styles.js

but is loaded in Contact form.

the file ckeditor-mojoconfig.js 

is loaded in both pages.

So I would like to add a new style, but I don't know how. 


7/29/2013 11:29:49 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can't ajust styles for CKEditor


Look under Administration > Content Styles

you should be able to define styles there and have them show up in the editor.

We load a custom service url instead of the styles.js from the tinymce package.

See also Creating Content Style templates

Hope that helps,


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