Enhanced Addthis support in Event Calendar Pro

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7/18/2013 5:27:31 PM
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Enhanced Addthis support in Event Calendar Pro

Hi Joe, we are in the process of upgrading and re-skinning mojoPortal. Our webmaster just brought me an issue with Addthis (latest downloaded code and Event Calendar Pro

When puts our Addthis username into site settings so that she can use it in our "news" blog instance, it also causes an Addthis graphic to appear in Event Calendar Pro instances. The hover text for the Addthis graphic in ECP says "Subscribe to this feed" and appears next to the "built-in" RSS feed. The problem with the Addthis RSS link is that it doesn't work, and we want to just use the built-in RSS feed for the calendar anyway. So ultimately we'd like to hide it altogether, but can't find an easy way to do that.

I think if you can extend the Addthis support in Event Calendar Pro to match the way it works in the Blog module (so we can disable it in settings), that would be exactly what we need.

There *might* be a bug involved here too, because I noticed that if you leave the Addthis username blank in site settings, but specify it at the blog level, it still treats it like Addthis is not enabled. I'm not sure if this is intended functionality or not.

Thanks for all you do!


7/23/2013 12:56:35 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Enhanced Addthis support in Event Calendar Pro

Hi Jamie,

For Event Calendar Pro I'll add a settings to make it more consistent with the blog in the next update. For now a workaround is to hide the li element like this:

#ctl00_mainContent_ctl00_viewMenu1_liAddThisRss {display:none; }

the id might be different on your site so you may need to view the source to find it.

I agree that is a bug in the blog, it should use the one from blog settings. I just fixed it in my copy so it will be fixed in the next release.



7/23/2013 3:03:39 PM
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Re: Enhanced Addthis support in Event Calendar Pro

Thanks Joe! I see the code update has already gone through, so I'll update source again.


7/23/2013 3:52:25 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Enhanced Addthis support in Event Calendar Pro

I can confirm that putting the Addthis username only into the blog instance, and not in site settings, is a perfect workaround for us. Thanks Joe!


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