RSS Feed Not Valid

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7/18/2013 1:34:45 PM
Total Posts 28

RSS Feed Not Valid

Hello Joe,

I'm working on version With the sites I've created using this verison of Mojo, I've noticed that the RSS feed for the blog module  is not validating. This is a feature that we've used a lot in past versions of mojo and would like to continue to use it, but it seems to be causing some issues for us . Is there anything you know of that could be causing this or anything that could fix it?

Thank you!

7/25/2013 10:31:30 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: RSS Feed Not Valid

Can you provide any more information regarding how the feed is not validating? Also, are you seeing the same issue on the demo site? If not, you should upgrade.

Joe D.

7/25/2013 11:18:01 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: RSS Feed Not Valid

I just tested the blog feed from the demo site on the w3c feed validator and it did have some issues but nothing that should prevent the feed from working. I am looking into fixing those issues now for the next release.

If you are having a specific problem with a feed then give details about the problem.



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