Forum subscribers - incorrect count

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7/15/2013 9:50:00 AM
Total Posts 128

Forum subscribers - incorrect count

A minor issue, but the numbers of subscribers for each forum displayed in the list of forums doesn't match the number in the popup (shown by clicking the number).

For most of my forums, the number displayed is one fewer than the actual list, and for some it is two more; for example, for one forum the display says "3 subscribers" and the popup shows a list of five (while still showing "3 subscribers" in the header).

My site is one of several child sites in a MSSQL installation.

Is this a bug, or do we have a database problem somehow?

8/19/2013 1:35:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Forum subscribers - incorrect count

Sorry but looking into the code I do not see how that would be possible. In both cases it is counting rows from mp_ForumSubscriptions where the forumid matches and where unsubscribedate is null.

I see no evidence of a bug of this nature.

The only way I could think of there being a difference is if one or more new people subscribe between when the forum list loads and when the subscriber dialog is opened.

If you still believe there is a bug then I need steps to produce the symptom as I am not seeing it.



8/19/2013 2:38:39 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Forum subscribers - incorrect count

mmm, I now cannot replicate this on the sites where I first saw the problem. Doubting own sanity etc etc. But it really was wrong at the time - I remember showing it to a  colleague. Some kind of caching issue perhaps?  Oh well, thanks for looking, and if I see anything again I'll investigate more what's happening in the database.


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