How to show/hide the "debug" text below the standard pages

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12/7/2007 12:33:43 AM
Total Posts 4

How to show/hide the "debug" text below the standard pages

I periodically see "debug" text below my pages, but it spontaneously goes away after some time browsing. Can anyone tell me how to control its appearance?

Thanks in advance!

12/7/2007 7:29:18 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: How to show/hide the "debug" text below the standard pages


I have not seen what you describe.

Is it on a development machine or a productioon machine?

What version of mojoPortal?

What db platform?

If it happens a gain can you copy and paste in some of what you see?

ASP.NET has a trace feature that can render debug info in the footer of the page but it typically is enabled or disabled in Web.config, I've never seen it spontaneously activate.

Without actually seeing what you are seeing I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with the trace feature. Need a screenshot or at least some of the text.


12/13/2007 11:26:41 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: How to show/hide the "debug" text below the standard pages


Thanks for your response. I'm referring to the mojoportal output that begins with "Request Details" in the following:

I'm sure this is a config setting somewhere, but I didn't find it.

This is on an (eventual) production machine (it's not live yet).

mojoPortal Version -- MS SQL Server

12/13/2007 11:50:15 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: How to show/hide the "debug" text below the standard pages


Yes thats ASP.NET trace information. It should only be displayed when tracing is enabled, it should not happen spontaneously.

By default it is turned off in the mojoPortal Web.config

Look in your Web.config for this:

localOnly="false" />

Is yours enabled? If so set it to false. Also might be good to set localOnly = true which should mean trace only shows if you are viewing the site as localhost.

Hope it helps,


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