Password Reset Security Functionality

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6/25/2013 1:28:48 AM
Total Posts 19

Password Reset Security Functionality


In case of 'Forgot Password' functionality, password emailed to user after validating questions. Is there any possibility that instead of password, a password reset link should email to user for resetting password ?



6/25/2013 10:02:52 AM
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Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

Go to Administration, Site Settings, Security. Uncheck "Allow Password Retrieval", and check "Allow Password Reset". There are quite a few other settings in security that you should review and make sure they are appropriate for your site.

Hope that helps,


6/26/2013 4:11:03 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

Thanks Jamie for your quick response.

But in security settings i am getting only ' Allow Password retrieval' option but no where to find 'Allow Password Reset' option.



6/26/2013 6:29:42 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

Hi Jamie,

I was reading your article

and seems that 'Allow Password Reset' will certainly work for me but after checking my security settings thoroughly no such setting is available to me.


6/26/2013 6:43:02 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

Hi Jamie,

Even the 'Allow Password Recovery' and 'Require Password Change After Recovery/Reset' option also suits me but again on my security settings none of these setting is available to me.





6/26/2013 7:19:52 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

With plain text or encrypted passwords recovery is what works not reset, but you can check the box to force the user to change the password after recovery.

If you want only reset then use hashed passwords which can only be reset, they cannot be recovered because they cannot be decrypted, so when hashed is configured reset is the only available. You can also check the box to force the user to change the password after they login with the reset password. In either case the recovered or reset password is sent to the user email so its can be a good idea to require them to change it after reset or recovery.

6/26/2013 10:45:43 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

Thanks Joe for your response.

My Password format configured in security settings is 'Encrypted in DB'.

Another setting only available to me is 'Allow Password Retrieval' and 'Requires Question and Answers'.

But i want to use the 'Allow Password Recovery' and 'Require Password Change After Recovery/Reset' options but none of these options are available to me on  security page.

Any help to make visible or available 'Allow Password Recovery' and 'Require Password Change After Recovery/Reset' options on my security page ?


6/26/2013 11:27:45 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

Hi Joe,

Just to share, my site is on MSSQL version of MojoPortal.


6/27/2013 8:53:11 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

You are running an old version from 2010, we did not have the option to require password change after recovery/reset back then.

you might consider upgrading as long as your database is SQL 2005 with all service paks or higher. We dropped support for sql 2000 I think in version

I recommend review the upgrading article as well as the release notes for all releases since and the Important Skin Changes article, then if possible upgrade to the latest version of mojoPortal. Be sure to back up both your site file system and database before upgrading so it it is possible to restore to your current version if something goes wrong.


7/1/2013 3:35:57 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality

I agree with your solution.

Thanks a lot Joe.




8/21/2013 8:56:49 AM
Total Posts 137
When enough isn't

Re: Password Reset Security Functionality


A related question: How can I force users to sign in again after going to the change password page?

More details:

- I have managed to give new users a preliminary password and to set the force password field in the database, so people are indeed forced to change their passwords using the prelimenary one.

- But some other session related functionality is not working - maybe because the user has changed his password

- So I'm thinking I could force the user to logoff and logon again with the new password before continuing on my site

I hope this is understandable ..

Best regards


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